I have stopped procrastinating and mucking around with site functionality. Blogging is about sharing content and helping others. And so for my first post I am going to lay out my plan to get my first 100 followers.
A smart person that owns many businesses told me recently, that Marketing is about increasing volume and velocity; while PR is where you get people to know who you are and build interest.

So to start my blog, I am going to focus on getting my first 100 followers. My plan:
- Setup my social media accounts
- Share it to people that I know that I believe would have a genuine interest in what my focus is.
- Send out my first wave of interesting articles.
- Send out my first wave of social media posts.
- Setup my content plan.
- Setup my social media plan.
You may have noticed, that my plan has come last. This has been purposely done as I am focusing on “Doing” and wanting to achieve a result. Once I have some results, I am then able to better formulate a plan.
Next thing to consider; what are the things that I can quickly get out that is interesting to my followers.
It’s simpler than you think: It doesn’t matter!
At this stage, I am building my networks. I need to focus on volume on the topics that I wish to cover; and sharing while being genuine will increase my following organically.
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