Almost everyone has something holding them back. It's no secret that we all bump into this. Your life and lifestyle is the cause of this, but the amazing thing is that it is easy to take quick action to help you overcome anything; and the one big thing that is holding you back is:
Many things, not one!
I am going to share with you the exact tools that I use every day to help me be more productive, more in control, more confident and achieving more!
Before we dive into everything, you need to understand what an action is:
"the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim" ~ Google
You may be thinking, I know what it means but why is it important?
There are 3 parts to your life that you need to consider, your: past, present and future.

The time is now ~ Present
We are going to focus on making changes in the present that are going to empower us and help us confidently overcome past and future challenges. Therefor, there is no need to think about the present.
Your Past
Have you ever started something and not finished? I know I have.
We all have many of these and when they remain incomplete, they linger.
The reason why you are having the issues of completing things in the present and future is due to these incomplete actions.
This does not mean you didn't eat lunch today or that you can't get anything done. It is that over the entire history of your past you have started things and you did not complete them. You could have 100's of things that you have started and it was put aside for whatever reason!

This could also be:
- Starting a 12 week exercise program and stopping during week 6
- Starting a new business venture, by doing all the research, creating a great looking website and business cards and not doing anything since.
These incomplete actions stack up and when you have a huge amount of them remain unfinished, they stay bottled up inside you, stop you from completing other things, causing possible procrastination, anxiety, loss of confidence and they just remain there in the back of your mind.
How do we handle this? It's simple...
Handle your Past Incomplete Actions
To handle our incomplete actions, we are going perform the following steps:
- Create a list of all the things that you have ever started that you have not finished.
- Decide from this list which things that you do not want to complete anymore or you are never going to do again and cross them off your list.
- The remaining list of actions are the things you need or want to do and becomes your checklist for you to complete.
- Be productive, start finishing your actions and crossing them off your list!
What this process forces you to do is to remove all the actions from your mind that have remained there incomplete over your past. This now free's your mind to focus only on the list of things you need to achieve and stops holding you back!
You can now cross of these cycle's of action as you complete them, until there are less and less, all while you become more productive and achieve more than you ever have before.
Your future
Now that we have control of everything that has been holding us back, you're probably thinking, well there are still things stopping me from getting things done, an obstacle, something to hard, a challenge, etc etc. It's only natural to run away from things when they become uncomfortable.
There is an easy process to overcome any challenge:
Handle your Future Challenges
To overcome your challenges and obstacles, perform the following:
- List out all your challenges, obstacles and problems.
- For each challenge, write down as many solutions as possible on your list. You could have 1 or even 10 solutions for each problem.
- Circle the best solution to each problem on the list.
- The circled solutions become your new actions that you need to complete in order to overcome every challenge you have listed.
- Be productive, start finishing your actions and crossing them off your list!
Once you complete your entire list, you should have nothing in your way and become the unstoppable force you should be!
If you want to truly take control of you life and the things that are stopping you in your past and future. Perform these processes regularly and finally feel amazing with nothing to hold you back, having complete focus and achieving anything you put your mind to.
I look forward to hearing about how this has helped you!
Wow. Great advice. I was wondering how I could leave a comment, because I wanted to thank you for that concise list of things to do. I found the button thankfully. These are wise words. Most of us are smart enough to follow a plan, but few of us write down that plan. Lack of same just becomes another excuse.
Thanks Mike, I hope these tools added to your arsenal helps you smash through any obstacle in your past, present and future 🙂 Mike
this post is great! Totally agreed with what you’re saying about truly taking control of your life and the things that are stopping you in your past and future. Everything needs practice, I believe that this could be too. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, you’re welcome.